Mastering Critical Decision-Making Under Pressure
Discover strategies and decision-making frameworks to enhance crisis response, improve preparedness, and empower confident decisions in high-pressure situations.
Enhancing Wildlife Response Through Tier 3 Integration in Large-Scale Oil Spill Exercises: Lessons from Africa
This article highlights how Tier 3 wildlife experts enhance oil spill preparedness, with insights from Exercise Giant Black Sable in Angola on improving wildlife response capabilities.
Aproveitando o videoblog ao vivo para treinamento SCAT virtual
A OSRL adaptou o treinamento SCAT para entrega virtual durante o COVID-19 usando videoblog ao vivo, oferecendo avaliações interativas da linha costeira em tempo real para aprendizado remoto.
Redefining Crisis Management Training: The Potential Pitfalls of Over-reliance on Virtual Training
Amid crisis management's evolution, virtual training expands accessibility. But can it fully replicate crisis demands? We explore this critical balance.
Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Oil Spill Response
Yearly oil spill risks rise, impacting us all. This article explores challenges, innovation, and vital collaboration in transforming the industry.
Forward Thinking and Refined
What can the renewable regulators and operators learn from the oil and gas industry? Uncover potential knowledge and data gaps in the response to oil spills associated with renewables.
Digital Twins: Response Through the Looking Glass
Digital Twins are now common in engineering and production, but can the concept be applied to dynamic, people-based systems such as incident response?
Next Generation Fuels – the Future of Emergency Response
We explore what challenges alternative fuels must overcome to become viable, safe and trusted replacements for oil
Olhando para o mundo de amanhã: o futuro do treinamento remoto
Exploramos tecnologias imersivas e as possibilidades de futura entrega de treinamento remoto.
Olhando para o mundo de amanhã: o futuro do treinamento remoto
Exploramos tecnologias imersivas e as possibilidades de futura entrega de treinamento remoto.
O aumento dos padrões de segurança e a mitigação de riscos futuros
As lesões estão aumentando. Mais precisa ser feito para mitigar riscos futuros e evitar outro Deepwater Horizon.
Lições Aprendidas – O Imperativo da Lápide
A revolução energética traz novos desafios. Os processos de aprendizagem permanecerão válidos e adequados ao propósito no admirável mundo novo?