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News & Media

ATSEA-2 and OSRL Collaboration Journey Continues - Quarter 3 Activities

quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2022

ATSEA-2 and OSRL Collaboration Q3

Regional Exchange Event:

Third quarter of 2022 proved to be the busiest time for ATSEA-2 and OSRL. The Regional Exchange Event was held in Singapore in the Grand Copthorne Hotel from 23-25 August 2022 and the third webinar was held on 28 September 2022.

The Regional Exchange Event served as an avenue for representatives of littoral states of Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) to network and build connections with like-minded authorities who share the same interests on oil spill preparedness and response in the ATS region. The objectives of the Regional Exchange Event for the participants were to:

  • understand the overall oil spill preparedness process
  • apply that process into the context of the ATS region
  • appreciate the lessons learned and challenges of existing regional cooperation from the perspective of ATS

A total of 14 participants from Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea attended the event. The participants of this event were chosen based on their roles and have authority over policymaking, especially at national (and regional) level.

OSRL served as the facilitator and provided resource speakers for the event. The Global Initiative for Southeast Asia (GISEA) also presented relevant sessions on regional cooperation. The sessions during the event revolved around regional cooperation and relevant oil spill response and preparedness topics.

One of the event’s highlights was the networking dinner for the participants and OSRL. The purpose of the dinner was to foster and nurture relationships between the participants of the event.

ATSEA-2 and OSRL hope that this Regional Exchange Event is the first of the many potential engagements between the littoral states of ATS.


ATSEA 2 And OSRL Regional Exchange Event.JPG

Group photo after observing a simple oil spill equipment deployment exercise



ATSEA-2 and OSRL held their third webinar for 2022 on 28 September. The webinar covered the topics of Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA)/Spill Impact Mitigation Analysis (SIMA) and looked at a case study of a crude palm oil spill in Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Mr Norman Lorica Ramos from OSRL facilitated the webinar. The webinar resource speakers and the topic each presented are as follows:

  • Mr Almerindo Oliveira Da Silva (UNDP Timor Leste) – Introduction of ATSEA-2
  • Mr Ali Heyder Alatas (OSRL) – NEBA / SIMA
  • Mr Johnson Maren – PNG Case Study

There is one more webinar scheduled for the last quarter of 2022. The upcoming webinar will expand knowledge on oil spill preparedness and response. 

Our gratitude to those who took time to attend our webinars. If you missed our webinars, you could watch those on ATSEA-2’s YouTube channel or OSRL’s website and YouTube channel:

Webinar  ATSEA-2's YouTube Channel OSRL Website
Quarter 1 ATSEA-2 Webinar YouTube Quarter 1 Seminar Recording ATSEA-2 Quarter 1
Quarter 2 ATSEA-2 Webinar YouTube Quarter 2 Seminar Recording ATSEA-2 Quarter 2
Quarter 3 ATSEA-2 Webinar YouTube Quarter 3 Seminar Recording ATSEA-2 Quarter 3


The question raised during webinar and the response of the resource speakers are presented below:

Does NEBA also include any consideration of cultural/archaeological/Native rights/etc?

Yes, cultural/archaeological/Native Rights are given consideration in NEBA. It should be noted that NEBA is not only constrained to environmentally sensitive areas but also to areas of socioeconomic importance (fishing areas, tourist resorts, etc.) and areas of cultural significance (places of worship, archaeological artifacts, etc.)

Check out the Events page for the next ATSEA-2 & OSRL webinar.

Author Bio(s)

Norman Ramos

Principal Trainer and Consultant

Norman has more than 19 years combined experience in crisis and incident management, oil spill response and preparedness, including training. He has delivered and participated in incident management system (IMS) and crisis management training and exercises, respectively, within Asia-Pacific. He holds Expert Certification in Crisis Management.

Holding a Masters in Environmental Management from the National University of Singapore (NUS), his interests lie in the intersection of oiled wildlife preparedness and response and implementation of IMS in oil spill incidents. Furthermore, he is interested in developing and implementing large-scale exercises on incident and crisis management.