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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Responding to oil spills: Nearshore & beach habitats

quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2018

Responding to oil spills: Nearshore & beach habitats

In November 2017 emergency responders, natural resource managers, and scientists came together under the direction of the Sea Grant oil spill science outreach program at NOAA's Disaster Response Centre to discuss oil spill response efforts in nearshore and beach habitats. They discussed new research, lessons learned and successes from past response efforts, and research gaps that improved partnerships may be able to fill.

This website provides the agenda, videos from the event, speaker profiles and further resources 


Do you know the challenges to cleaning sandy beaches? 

Patrick Coleman, a civilian employee with US Coast Guard Sector Mobile in the Contingency Planning Department, provided an overview of how responders clean sandy beach and nearshore environments. See the talk on YouTube.

Do you know the potential response injuries to sandy beaches? 

Jacqueline Michela geochemist and President of Research Planning, Inc., talked about how science is incorporated into response techniques to clean oil from nearshore and beach habitats. View the presentation on YouTube.

Tracking oil using remote sensing

James Hanzalik from Clean Gulf Associates discussed new technologies that allow responders to detect and track oil at the surface. Watch his presentation on YouTube.

Buried oil removal

Jacqueline Michel, the President of Research Planning, Inc., talked about how buried oil was removed during an oil spill in Tampa Bay, FL. View her talk on YouTube.

Panel: What have we learned from response?

James Hanzalik from Clean Gulf Associates and Jacqueline Michel from Research Planning, Inc. answered questions about what we have learned from responding to past oil spills. Watch the conversation on YouTube.