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Marketing and Communications Team Clean Up Local Beach

martes, 18 de julio de 2023

Team Beach Clean

Our Marketing and Communications team recently participated in a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) day, conducting a beach clean on Weston Shore, near our Southampton Base in the UK.

The aim of a CSR day is to remind companies that they should play a positive role in the community and consider the environmental and social impact of business decisions.

They chose to do a beach clean as this year they have put a lot of focus on environmental issues, highlighting the need to protect our planet through Earth Day in April and World Ocean Day in June, and the team wanted to try and make a difference themselves.

The great British weather didn't put them off, as the rain and wind swept across the shore, making it more of a challenge to get the rubbish into the bin bags. Armed with litter pickers, biodegradable rubbish bags, and wearing the correct PPE, the team began their clean-up task.

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Joined by two younger, honorary team members, they found some interesting litter types, including a shoe, a boot, glass bottles, tin cans, many small bits of plastic, wipes, tissues, plastic bags and even an old bike.

The wind and rain continued to be a challenge. Still, the team carried on battling the elements, knowing that their efforts were crucial in protecting parts of the community in the area surrounding OSRL’s Southampton Base. The amount of rubbish collected in a short time was a stark reminder of the global environmental issues that are present worldwide and closer to home. 

For this team at OSRL, it wasn’t just about cleaning up a beach; it was about taking responsibility, setting an example for others to follow, and, importantly, doing something worthwhile together as a team to build strength and resilience.

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Emma and Sharon from the Marketing and Communications Team proudly hold all the rubbish collected from the beach clean