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Webinar: No Such Thing As A Bad Exercise? Shared learnings from delivering exercises around the planet AM

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020


This webinar will take you through a series of key learnings gained in the delivery of a number of exercises around the word over the last 20 years. We will give an exercise practitioners overview of the different types of exercises usually conducted as well as what we have founds works and also what doesn’t work. We will also cover some recent experiences in virtual exercises brought about primarily as a result of Covid.

Presented by Lee Barber, Preparedness Solutions Manager (EMEA)

Lee is an incident and crisis management specialist with approximately twenty years’ experience in the oil and gas industry. He has worked in over 35 separate countries delivering or managing a range of preparedness and response solutions including several exercises from short half day workshops to full-scale incident management drills lasting a number of days. The majority of his work has been for international oil companies which has given him the opportunity to gain a solid background on international best practice for incident and crisis management.



Title: No Such Thing As A Bad Exercise? Shared learnings from delivering exercises around the planet

Date : Thursday 29th October

Time : 08:00 GMT

Duration : 60 minutes

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