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Los servicios de respuesta están garantizados SOLO para los Miembros. Los no miembros no tienen garantizada una respuesta y se les pedirá que firmen un contrato de no miembros. Los servicios y las tarifas difieren. Los gerentes de servicio pueden ser contactados para ejercicios.

Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Argentina Technical Forum

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019

Argentina Members Forum in Buenos Aires, Argentina

OSRL and YPF kindly invite you to attend an OSRL Members Technical Forum.  The forum will be held from 9 am to 12 pm, on May 23, 2019 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  The purpose of the forum is to engage with member companies and strategic stakeholders operating in Argentina, review important response benefits, and address oil spill preparedness concerns for onshore and offshore operations.  As an option, after lunch, members are welcome to stay for a two-hour Introduction to Incident Management exercise. 



The agenda for the day includes:



  • Welcome
  • Review of Technical benefits for OSRL Members
  • Preparedness Priorities for Oil Spills in Onshore and Offshore Argentina
  • Subsea Well Intervention Services Overview

Coffee Break

  • Response Case Studies
  • Response and Mobilization to Large Spills
  • Exchange
  • Dismissal

12 pm - Lunch


1 pm - 3 pm (Optional)
Introduction to Incident Management Table Top

  • Basics and Structure of Incident Command
  • Characteristics
  • Organization
  • Forms and Initial ICS Process 

The Technical Forum will be hosted at YPF’s headquarters located on Machaca Güemes 515, Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Please plan to arrive at least 30 minutes ahead of time to allow for proper security protocols and access.


Please plan to arrive at least 30 minutes ahead of time to allow for proper security protocols and access.