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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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RECSO Envirospill

martes, 11 de octubre de 2022


Come and visit us at RECSO EnviroSpill in October, following our Bahrain Base opening, OSRL will also be supporting the conference with keynote addresses, leadership panels, technical sessions and workshops. Come and find us at booth 16A. 


Title: RECSO Envirospill 2022

Date: 11-13 October 2022

Duration: 3 days

OSRL booth number: 16A

If you would like to register or find out more information please go to the RECSO Envirospill website.

More Information:

RECSO EnviroSpill 2022 provides a dedicated platform for professionals from major industries to discuss, debate and share knowledge, expertise and experience on different technologies in the field of oil spill and environment preservation.

The event will primarily focus on issues pertaining to the cleaner Gulf seas. The event provides a global platform to discuss potential solutions and research that will highlight current science, management issues and new directions benefiting the industry and region as a whole.

This year, RECSO EnviroSpill Conference & Exhibition is being held under the theme: Sustainable Clean Seas - Readiness | Response | Resilience


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