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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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TPR Webinar Series: Economic Assessment & Compensation

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2022

Economic Assessment and Compensation (1).png


Date:  21st November 2022 

Time: 14:00 to 14:30 

Duration:  30 minutes

Tiered Preparedness and Response (TPR) is an internationally recognised planning approach that enables the integration of local, regional and global capabilities into oil spill response planning.

In this webinar Aaron Montgomery, OSRL’s Development and Assurance Lead, will provide an overview of the TPR segment: Economic Assessment & Compensation. The segment focuses on the collection and analysis of relevant data for the purposes of determining the economic impact caused by an oil spill and the legislation and compensation schemes available.


Meet the Presenters.

a photo of aaron montgomery in a grey jumper and white shirt smiling at the camera

Aaron Montgomery

Aaron is OSRL's Development & Assurance Lead for technical competence. Aaron joined OSRL after several years as a Deck Officer in the Merchant Navy and hold's a Master's degree in Maritime Law. Since joining OSRL Aaron has attended numerous major oil spills throughout the global, including time spent responding the Macondo 252 incident in the Gulf of Mexico. He has taken on both supervisory and technical advisor roles on a wide number of these spills. Aaron has also spent time in the position of Africa Regional Representative as well as Principal Trainer, as well as supporting consultancy projects including providing advice and support to the South African and Falkland Island Governments on their National Oil Spill Contingency Plans (NOSCP).