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New Training Course: Real Oil Beachmaster

lunes, 13 de junio de 2016

Have you ever trained with real oil? 

Now you can!


Powerful and memorable learning occurs when people get to learn directly from their own experience. Now you can have the unique experience of working with real oil in our new Real Oil Beachmaster Course conducted in association with Cedre (Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution).

Supervising an effective shoreline, port or harbour spill response is a key front-line role and requires specialist training, however, the opportunities to appreciate and face the challenges of dealing with a real oil spill incident are limited. Now this opportunity is possible. Conducted in English by OSRL experts, this course simulates an oil spill within various controlled environments, allowing you to experience working with real oil and apply theoretical knowledge in a truly practical sense. The Real Oil Beachmaster course will take place on 20th-22nd September at Cedre’s unique training facilities in Brest, France.


Find out more. (now known as Shoreline Site Supervisor (IMO Level 1)