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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Report of Activity 2017

martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017

Building a better future

By Robert Limb, CEO of Oil Spill Response Limited


In 2017, we launched the Blueprint, our improved Operational Excellence Management System and the Business Transformation Project to drive efficiency and improve the use of resources across all OSRL’s activities. We are also in the final phase of the  Offset Installation Equipment (OIE) project before the system is made available for response in early 2018.




With the Subsea Well Intervention Services (SWIS) now approaching their 5th anniversary, we are adapting to the changing needs of the industry becoming an integrator for subsea response services thereby making available a more seamless preparedness and response capability.

We continue to develop our people as we continuously strive to be the trusted and valued technical leaders now and in the future. With every small change we make, I believe we are a step closer to building a more robust and better OSRL.