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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Report of Activity 2018

martes, 4 de diciembre de 2018

Delivering Vision 2020

By Robert Limb, CEO of Oil Spill Response Limited

In 2017 the Board of Directors, together with our Executive Team, developed the Vision 2020 strategy which was further refined during the Annual Strategic Review in March 2018. 2018 focussed on delivering this vision; building a more efficient and effective OSRL. Achieving more with less, facilitated by developing people, improving processes and implementing new technology.


In the subsea arena, SWIS is being reconfigured to ensure we continue to meet the rapidly evolving requirements of subscribers in a post-SWRP world. An example of this is the Air Freightable Capping System. As an integrator, we continued to expand our network of strategic partners so we can deliver the broadest portfolio of services and capabilities for the subsea industry in preparing for and responding to an incident.


In the traditional surface response world, we are refreshing the equipment stockpile to ensure that we have the best technologies to deliver a world-class response. Simultaneously, we are upskilling our people to facilitate the best use of the available tools in a response and in the day-to-day management of all our business activities.


We remain agile and continue to strive for better ways to engage with members and other stakeholders to ensure we can adapt to meet their evolving challenges and needs.