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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Responses – July to September 2014

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) provides our members with resources to respond to oil spills efficiently and effectively on a global basis. When activated, we form part of our client’s entire response efforts to reduce the impact of an oil spill. This quarter, we responded to the incident below.

Sunken vessel near port

An unknown vessel had lightered most hydrocarbons a week ago. When it sunk, residue lubes and bilge oils remained. The government environment agency contacted OSRL for technical advice and containment to mitigate the spread of hydrocarbons while they investigated the incident.

An OSRL response team was requested to deploy a containment boom with running moorings using solid flotation boom and one of its small vessels. OSRL also recommended and followed site safety and entry protocols, and issued a notice to mariners on the area of booming operations.
