Activate Us

Our activation procedure including contact details and forms for activation, in addition to equipment stockpile and aviation status reports can be found here.

If you need a copy of our Scale of Fees, please contact us.

Emergency Contact Numbers

Please note that:

Response services are guaranteed ONLY for Members. Non-members are not guaranteed a response and will be required to sign a Non-member contract. Services and rates differ. Duty managers can be contacted for exercises.

Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Being a member of OSRL gives access to a wide range of Member Response Services all included in our Service Level Agreement (SLA) as standard. These include:

  • contact with the Duty Manager within 10 minutes of receiving notification of an incident and ongoing support from the Duty Team, including;
    • 2D and 3D oil spill tracking and trajectory services utilising different software to provide trajectory, stochastic, backtrack and subsurface modelling
    • logistical support with 24/7 access to a global network of cargo and passenger charter services through dedicated brokers
  • free on-scene technical advice and support through the 5x5 Technical Advisory Service, 
  • A total of 18 (maximum) highly trained response personnel committed to any single incident, with the capacity to resource two such maximum commitment responses on an ongoing basis
  • access to 50% of the vast collection of specialised response equipment stockpile held in secure facilities across the globe and is customs-cleared for rapid deployment 
  • access to aviation resources and large-scale dispersant delivery systems
  • access to 100% of the SLA Dispersant Stockpile, those with the widest worldwide approvals  
  • support from response partners to supplement a response, including wildlife and satellite imagery.


Technical Advice

Making sound, well-reasoned technical decisions is critical in the early stages of any oil spill incident. Those early decisions can strongly influence the degree of success of the ensuing response effort. In recognition of this, our Members have access to free technical advice whenever needed; for an ongoing incident or even to the threat of a potential incident.


We can send five personnel to a Members' incident location for five days in-field to give technical advice in any situation. In these scenarios early notification is key; the sooner we know, the sooner we can help you better - this will help ensure you are in the most optimal place to deal with what lies ahead.


We can advise in any capacity; here are the most common ways we’ve assisted Members during these five days of free advice:

  • Advocate/implement Industry “Good Practice"
  • Technical advice and incident management coaching within the command centre
  • Development of an Incident Management Plan
  • Training and Supervision of contractors
  • In-country logistics planning and support for inbound equipment
  • Environmental Impact Assessments and advice on response strategy selection
  • Shoreline and aerial surveillance/quantification surveys
  • Tactical Response Planning
  • Wildlife planning


There is no commitment for continued support, no risk, and no costs, even our travel costs are free.

To access the technical advice you need, call the Duty Manager.


Read more about the Technical Advisory Service on the Information Sheet.

Response Equipment

An effective response depends on a structured or tiered escalation of response capability (equipment, trained responders and enabling logistics), using a toolbox approach to response techniques. Equipment is an important aspect of response capability.


To respond in the most efficient way, we have pre-packaged some of our equipment into loads that are suitable for most spills and operational environments. Housed in secure facilities across the globe, it is customs-cleared for rapid deployment.

View the Equipment List for More Details

Aviation Resources

Available through a mixture of global and regional models, aviation resources can be mobilised in support of two key areas; dispersant application and logistical support. With our very own Boeing 727's, we're able to deliver both capabilities, recognising the importance of these services as response enablers. 

Find out more about Aviation Resources

SLA Dispersant Stockpile

Immediate access to large volumes of regionally located dispersant is a vital contingency for operators undertaking exploration and production activities. Volumes are distributed globally; within OSRL, other OSROS, national stockpiles, or privately owned by the oil industry. ​


Our Service Level Agreement dispersant is available to all Members. The Global Dispersant Inventory is a list of known globally owned dispersant. These stockpiles are listed and offer a potential resource if all other stockpile options are exhausted.

Find out more about SLA Dispersant Stockpile

Equipment Stockpile Status Reports

View the Response Readiness Dashboard for SLA Equipment Stockpile Status Reports.

View Reports

UKCS Logistics Addendum

This Addendum outlines key information relating to mobilising and transporting equipment from OSRL’s Southampton base to potential incident sites within the UK.

View Document