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“Am I capable of managing an oil spill incident at a strategic level?”

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018

Am I capable of managing an oil spill incident at a strategic level

This question might have appeared on your mind when you assumed the role of an Incident Commander or a key decision maker during an incident. So how do you go about enhancing or refreshing your knowledge?

I always enjoy talking to delegates on our courses. Most of our Management course delegates are Emergency Response personnel or Senior Managers and they come to me with questions such as:

“How should we organise and manage our resources during an oil spill?”

“How do we know if this is the best response strategy?”

“When do we terminate the response? Who makes the decision?”

“What are the different international conventions for compensation?”

Interestingly, they find that they are not alone and often resonate with others in the class who have faced the same challenges. We are very pleased that these issues were brought to the table for discussion, allowing us to share practical tips to real-life scenarios based on our vast experience in the industry. This part of the course is something that many delegates always find useful.

The Management course is designed to take you through a journey on the topics related to an oil spill incident – from selecting the most appropriate response strategies, incident management system, international co-operation to introduction of various compensation regimes. You will have an opportunity to practise the knowledge gained from the training and test your capability in handling an oil spill as a team.

We keep our courses interactive and engaging through a range of activities. The first part of the course comprises of classroom presentations, group discussions and scenario-based table-top exercises. On the last day of the course, you will role-play on how to handle the media as the team is in midst of responding to an on-going oil spill incident. The room is staged to simulate a scene where you will address the media during an initial press conference.

By the end of the training, we often receive feedback from delegates that they appreciate the realities and complexities of an oil spill incident and feel more confident to manage difficult situations.

If you too find yourselves facing challenges in managing an oil spill and would to learn from the experts, why not join us at the next Oil Spill Management Course (IMO Level 3) course?

Feel free to contact us at for enquiries.



Author Bio(s)

Sim Kai Jing

Entrenador Senior

Kai Jing tiene una licenciatura con honores en Ingeniería Mecánica de la Universidad Tecnológica de Nanyang (NTU) en Singapur. 

Kai Jing es un entrenador sénior con experiencia en la gestión y entrega de muchos proyectos de capacitación regionales y globales en la última década. Con un Certificado Avanzado en Capacitación y Evaluación (ACTA), Kai Jing es un  entrenador flexible líder de OSRL; Ella entrena y asesora al grupo de Flexi-Trainers para mejorar sus habilidades y mejorar continuamente.

Antes de estar en el departamento de capacitación, Kai Jing asistió a muchos incidentes de derrame, incluido un incidente de derrame de tubería donde dirigió como Jefa de la Sección de Logística y varios incidentes de colisión de buques.