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News & Media


Aplicación de la experiencia en respuesta a derrames de petróleo para combatir la contaminación marina en el seminario anual de NOSCA en Noruega

martes, 12 de septiembre de 2023

Compartiendo experiencia en la respuesta a la contaminación marina en el seminario anual de NOSCA en Noruega

NOSCA invita a OSRL a compartir cómo las técnicas de responsabilidad por derrames de petróleoson transferibles en la lucha contra la contaminación marina microplástica.

Cómo nuestro equipo de Bahrein demuestra seguridad y excelencia en habilidades en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos

miércoles, 6 de septiembre de 2023

Cómo nuestro equipo de Bahrein demuestra seguridad y excelencia en habilidades en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos

Nuestro equipo en Bahrein fue invitado a visitar una empresa con sede en Ras AI-Khaimah, en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, como parte de un contrato semestral de servicios de alquiler de equipos.

How We Respond To Oil Spills and Work To Prevent Marine Pollution Worldwide

lunes, 7 de agosto de 2023

How We Respond To Oil Spills and Work To Prevent Marine Pollution Worldwide

As featured in New Scientist, CEO, Vania De Stefani talks about the power of collaboration in protecting our oceans, and how we must all commit to preventing pollution and conserving marine resources for future generations through oil spill response and more.

A Day in the Life of an Engineering Apprentice at OSRL

miércoles, 12 de julio de 2023

 A day in the life of an Engineering Apprentice at OSRL

Our engineering apprentice, Joe Hartley, works in our Equipment Hire Services team and is already learning a lot from the team around him.

Episode Two of OSRL's Podcast - Learn How to Perform Under Pressure

lunes, 10 de julio de 2023

Learn How to Perform Under Pressure

The latest episode of the OSRL Podcast is now available, and in this instalment, we look at how people cope under pressure and how to learn from stressful situations.


Introducing OSRL Members to Wildlife Incident Management at the AGM 2023

miércoles, 5 de julio de 2023

Wildlife Emergency Preparedness and Response

As part of the short course offerings at this year’s AGM in Southampton, some of OSRL’s Wildlife Core Group - Paul Kelway (OSRL’s Wildlife Preparedness & Response Manager) ​Frankii Rouse, and James Thompson - collaborated with Hugo Nijkamp from Sea Alarm and Michael Ziccardi (Chair) and Adam Grogan (Coordinator) from the Global Oiled Wildlife Response Service (GOWRS) to ​deliver ​a half-day interactive workshop on Wildlife Incident Management.

It's Always Sunny In Shetland

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2023

It's Always Sunny In Shetland

OSRL's Deputy Aberdeen Manager, Ken Church recently conducted an offshore deployment exercise west of Shetland. 

Braving the Elements: -46°C Brings a New Challenge to Cold Weather Oil Spill Response Training

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2023

Braving the Elements: -46°C Brings a New Challenge to Cold Weather Oil Spill Response Training

OSRL participated in the Oil in Ice training program in Canada after two years due to COVID-19. The training, developed in collaboration with Eastern Canada Response Corporation (ECRC-SIMEC) and Alaska Clean Seas (ACS), allowed attendees to practice oil spill recovery techniques on and under the ice. Despite the extremely cold weather and harsh conditions, the training was a success, providing valuable experience for oil spill response in cold weather conditions.

ATSEA-2 and OSRL Collaboration Journey Continues - Quarter 4 Activities

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2022

ATSEA-2 and OSRL Collaboration Q4

ATSEA-2 and OSRL held their fourth and final webinar for 2022 on 28 November. The webinar covered Oiled Wildlife Response (OWR), Oil Spill Risk Assessment (OSRA), and a case study from Indonesia. Find out more about quarter-four activities and view all webinars.

ATSEA-2 and OSRL Collaboration Journey Continues - Quarter 3 Activities

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2022

ATSEA-2 and OSRL Collaboration Q3

ATSEA-2 and OSRL held a Regional Exchange Event in Singapore and the third webinar in the series for 2022. The webinar covered NEBA/SIMA and looked at a case study of a crude palm oil spill in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Find out more about quarter three activities.