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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media


Diarios de respuesta: Comenzando como un nuevo respondedor

martes, 30 de abril de 2024

Un día en la vida de un respondedor

En sus primeras doce semanas, nuestra nueva ola de respondedores se somete a un riguroso proceso de capacitación, en el que se les presentan nuestros diferentes métodos para responder a un derrame de petróleo, el equipo utilizado y los ejercicios basados en escenarios para poner a prueba sus habilidades recién aprendidas.

Un grupo reciente de nuevos reclutas documentó su viaje en este blog y describió lo variado e interesante que puede ser el papel de un respondedor. 

A Day in the Life of an Engineering Apprentice at OSRL

miércoles, 12 de julio de 2023

 A day in the life of an Engineering Apprentice at OSRL

Our engineering apprentice, Joe Hartley, works in our Equipment Hire Services team and is already learning a lot from the team around him.

Braving the Elements: -46°C Brings a New Challenge to Cold Weather Oil Spill Response Training

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2023

Braving the Elements: -46°C Brings a New Challenge to Cold Weather Oil Spill Response Training

OSRL participated in the Oil in Ice training program in Canada after two years due to COVID-19. The training, developed in collaboration with Eastern Canada Response Corporation (ECRC-SIMEC) and Alaska Clean Seas (ACS), allowed attendees to practice oil spill recovery techniques on and under the ice. Despite the extremely cold weather and harsh conditions, the training was a success, providing valuable experience for oil spill response in cold weather conditions.

Offliner Diaries: Week seven to 12

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2022

Offliner Diaries: weeks 7-12

Hear from our new responders as they talk about their last few weeks of our offliners course.

Offliner Diaries: Week Five and Six

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2022

Offliner Diaries: Week Five and Six

The UK Responders continue their journey through the offliners course to prepare them for responding to oil spills globally. James Thompson, UK Responder, participating in the course talks about weeks 5 and 6 and having their first offshore experience.

Offliner Diaries: Week Three and Four

martes, 10 de mayo de 2022

Offliner Diaries: Week Three and Four

OSRL's newest responders have continued their learnings in the last couple of weeks with response techniques covering aerial Surveillance, Fate of Oil, Environmental Considerations, Waste Management & Contingency Planning through insightful and informative presentations, followed in week four with some practical hands-on experience with response equipment.

First Four Weeks of the Bahrain Offline Program

martes, 3 de mayo de 2022

First four weeks of the Bahrain offline program

It is hard to believe we are already four weeks into the Bahrain offline programme.

Offliner Diaries: Week two; Safety

lunes, 25 de abril de 2022

Offliner Diaries: Week two; Safety

Last week, the UK responders commenced their second week on the offline course. Daniel Lambley talks about how the course is going and the safety learnings.

Offliner Diaries: Week one; Introduction and Fundamentals

martes, 19 de abril de 2022

Offliner Diaries: Week one; Introduction and Fundamentals

The Offliners course for the new UK Responders began in March, over the next 12 weeks, these new responders will be immersed in tactical and practical training to prepare them for responding to oil spills globally. 

Week one saw the new Responders learning about the Oil and Gas industry and the role of OSRL.