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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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Back-To-Shoreline Exercise

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018

Back-To-Shoreline Exercise

A shoreline exercise was conducted between 23-27 April with a specific focus on Shoreline Clean-up Assessment Technique (SCAT) and protection of sensitive resources and waste management.

This exercise began on Singapore’s famous “Ghost Island” Pulau Hantu, made up of two inlets and located to the south of the main island of Singapore. Ancient Malay warriors once duelled to the death here and their ghosts are said to wander the isle. 

Today, the island is a peaceful and idyllic getaway, complete with swaying palms surrounded by white sands and rich reefs. Even a small patch of mangroves can be found between Pulau Hantu Besar (big ghost island) and Pulau Hantu Kecil (little ghost island).


Pulau Hantu Besar.jpg

Upon arrival we began the SCAT survey. Personnel gathered in pairs or groups to determine shoreline segmentation and then proceeded to assess each shoreline type by dividing into three groups. The team representatives then presented their findings during the debrief after the exercise.

Sharing Shoreline Segmentation.jpgSharing Shoreline Segmentation.jpg

On the following day, a shoreline deployment was conducted in Pasir Ris Park and nature reserve, the eastern part of Singapore island. A cascade booming formation was deployed using a staking technique that several staff were taught during Advanced Technical Training. Grace and Li Xue also came forward to demonstrate what they had learnt during a recent training exercises and the Senior Responders also shared on their experience as well! The operation was completed with site set-up and waste management.

Shoreline boom deployment.jpg

Overall, come rain or shine running exercises like these ensures we are current with best practice and prepared to respond in the event of an oil spill. 

Group image.jpg


A big thanks to all that had participated in the exercise and contributed to its success!