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NOPSEMA Subsea Wells Source Control Workshop

lunes, 22 de julio de 2019

NOPSEMA OSRL Workshop.png

Ahead of the Spillcon international oil spill conference in Perth this past May, Australia’s National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) hosted a Subsea Wells Source Control Workshop. OSRL’s Andy Myers, Robert Limb and Mitch Guinn joined 122 other participants of government regulatory officials, well control specialists, oil spill and recovery specialists and industry E&P organisations. Robert Limb moderated the workshop presentations and Andy Myers kicked off the workshop presenting on Industry Global Response Capability and Plans. To learn more about this workshop, all of its speakers and the resulting panel discussion, read the report jointly prepared by Mitch Guinn, OSRL Sr. Subsea Advisor and Andrew Best, Environmental – Spill Risk for NOPSEMA.

Subsea Wells Source Control Workshop Report.pdf