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OPRED IMS Awareness Session

martes, 16 de julio de 2019

Recently Lucy Bly, Consultant and Aberdeen Base Manager delivered a workshop for OPRED (The Offshore Petroleum Regulator for the Environment and Decommissioning) jointly with the Acting Deputy SOSREP (Secretary of States Representative for Maritime Intervention and Salvage).

Whilst the title of the session was “Incident Management System Awareness” we started off by going through a traditional response.


Working through the different activities occurring at the operational, tactical and strategic levels before then moving into the proactive phase of the Planning ‘P’. The session was developed to raise awareness of the new IMS structures being adopted by industry and the interplay with the UK National Contingency Plan

Lucy Bly said, “In my experience of exercises run in the UK, it has been challenging to get information required by the UK government agencies in a usable format and in a timely manner.”


Author Bio(s)

Lucy Bly

Gerente de Aberdeen