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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Cargo & Travel in 2021

miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2021

Cargo & Travel in 2021

“Without logistics, the world stops.” – Dave Waters 


Whilst the world did not stop in 2020 and 2021, it slowed down dramatically with the effects felt across both cargo and personnel travel logistics. The combination of Brexit, Covid-19 supply chain impact, repercussions of the Suez Canal blockage, global HGV driver shortage, and the travel restrictions and ever-changing Covid-19 testing and quarantine requirements meant that we as a Global Logistics Team, are facing an unprecedented combination of events that directly affected our ability to perform our jobs. 


The current standard operating procedures are not sufficient to keep up with the challenges, so the Team brainstormed and implemented new strategies to keep up with this ever-changing situation around the world. Some of the measures that we have implemented are as follows: 

  • Allow additional time to counteract the impact felt from the above-mentioned triggers 
  • Monitor the global supply chain issue closely 
  • Increase frequency in communication with aircraft brokers 
  • Liaise with airlines directly 
  • Enhance training for Global Logistics Team 
  • Regularly communicate aircraft availability to members 
  • Provide regular updates to OSRL’s Covid-19 communications 
  • Update OSRL’s Covid-19 information dashboard 

In addition to staying abreast with the situation around the world, here are the key projects delivered by the Global Logistics Team in 2021. 

  • Developed a Global Logistics Team page on OSRL’s corporate website to introduce ourselves and our services 
  • Delivered more than 80 containers of oil spill equipment for Equipment Hire Services projects which span across 14 countries 
  • Delivered Logistics Execution Plans to members covering the full range of equipment that OSRL offer 
  • Delivered a Response Time Modelling project for the members in Australia 
  • Implemented a globally aligned training internally within OSRL for travel bookers and cargo logisticians 
  • Embraced technology within OSRL with the introduction of an online booking system for personnel travel and equipment movement request 

As successful as the year have been, we recognise that in order to strive for excellence, we need to continually improve and stay relevant to the industry. We aim to do so by being forward looking and be collaborative with our stakeholders, both internally within OSRL and externally among our members and service providers. 

Author Bio(s)

Alice Linley-Munro

Gerente de Viajes

Alice Linley-Munro ha estado trabajando para Oil Spill Response Limited desde 2011, uniéndose como Coordinadora de Viajes del Reino Unido y trabajando hasta el puesto actual de Gerente de Viajes global. Alice es responsable de todos los aspectos de los viajes en OSRL, incluido el abastecimiento, la estrategia global de viajes y las mejoras del programa de viajes en torno al bienestar y la sostenibilidad. En 2016, Alice ganó el premio ITM Rising Star, y en 2017 Alice se unió a la Junta Directiva de ITM en la que todavía sirve.

Yei Ling Ho

Líder Logístico Senior