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Current Buster 6 exercise

viernes, 16 de agosto de 2019

Current Buster 6 exercise

OSRL has recently taken delivery of eight new Current Buster 6 systems. This is part of a larger project we are about to complete, which substantially enhances and updates our equipment stockpiles

The Current Buster 6 systems represent the latest in offshore containment and recovery technology.

In the right situation, these systems offer a number of advantages over conventional offshore containment boom systems – they can be towed more quickly (at speeds of up to 5kts), can be operated from a single vessel (conventional offshore boom requires two vessels), and reduces the waste-management bottleneck due to its built in oil/water separator and 70m3 temporary storage.

We worked closely with the supplier - Allmaritim to specify the system to our exact requirements, including obtaining DNV lifting certification which reduces the time taken for the equipment to be deployed onto an offshore vessel.

The Singapore Response team has been busy commissioning the two new systems located here and exercising alongside the equipment manufacturer and a local vessel of opportunity provider.

The exercise enabled us to practice deploying the Current Buster 6 system in a realistic scenario, providing us with a number of lessons in how to fully optimise its use during a response, and strengthening our relationships with key partners.

Kudos to the organisers Danny & Li Xue for a well planned exercise!

Author Bio(s)

Sharon Koh

Gerente de Comunicación