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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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Tim Coombs talks OPEP

jueves, 12 de abril de 2018

Tim Coombs - Senior Trainer/Senior Spill Response Specialist


I joined OSRL after 22 years as a Marine Engineering Technician in the Royal Navy and am experienced in Gas Turbine Propulsion and Hydraulic Systems.

Since joining OSRL I have responded to spills in Australia, India, Gibraltar and the UK, as well as the 2010 Macondo incident in the Gulf of Mexico. More recently I have been to Gabon, Africa as a Technical Advisor.

In 2013 I joined the training department. Since then I have lead training throughout Europe, Middle East and Africa with a strong focus towards North Sea and UK Continental Shelf operations.

Since joining the training department OSRL has supported me in the completion of a qualification in teaching. This has allowed me to apply adult learning principles (andragogy) to our training and focus on how to maximise the engagement with the delegates. This has demonstrated itself through increasing positive feedback and a greater pleasure in delivery

Our OPEP courses in particular have seen the benefit from the combination between OSRL's years of experience in response and the application of adult learning principles. I am particularly happy to have seen these applied to our online OPEP 1.

For me personally it is a real enjoyment delivering the OPEP courses in person and seeing the individuals developing and leaving with skills and knowledge they may not have previously had.

Take a look at our OPEP Courses.

Author Bio(s)

Tim Coombs

Formador Principal

Tim se unió a OSRL después de 22 años como técnico de ingeniería marina en la Royal Navy y tiene experiencia en propulsión de turbinas de gas y sistemas hidráulicos. Después de haber completado 14 años como Suboficial Jefe, aporta experiencia en ingeniería y liderazgo a la empresa.

Ha respondido a los derrames en Australia, India, Gibraltar y el Reino Unido, así como al incidente de Macondo de 2010 en el Golfo de México y, más recientemente, a Gabón, África, como Asesor Técnico. Tim ha ayudado con la capacitación en Holanda, Gibraltar y el Reino Unido. Tim también ha estado en la posición de Supervisor de Taller y Mantenimiento hasta su papel actual como Entrenador Senior.