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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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Offliner Diaries: Week two; Safety

lunes, 25 de abril de 2022

Offliner Diaries: Week Two

This week we continued our learning journey with an in-depth look at the importance of safety in the workplace. 

We began by going through the process of ensuring we fit and use our Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) correctly. We also learnt about the hazards commonly experienced in an oil spill, including Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) awareness with an introduction to the site entry procedure.

We all completed the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) assessment and got to grips with the ASSURE system and Alcumus, emphasising safe working practices. We were then ready for the ASSURE introduction, conducted by Paul Revill, Regional HSEQ Advisor here at OSRL.



"The ASSURE training gave our offliners the opportunity to learn how to apply the knowledge gained from the NEBOSH training to create task-specific risk assessments, record safety observations and report safety and environmental incidents and near-misses. This gave everyone a solid grounding in the OSRL safety management system and how to plan safe operations for training and spill response." Paul Revill, Regional HSEQ Advisor.


The day was topped off by having our respirators fitted to help with breathing in certain spill response situations. After spending the week in the classroom, we escaped to the warehouse for the gantry crane training, a welcome break from the classroom.



Next week: Response techniques

Author Bio(s)

Daniel Lambley


Dan se graduó de la Universidad de Bangor el año pasado, donde estudió Biología Marina y Oceanografía. Jugó fútbol americano en la universidad, caminó en el Parque Nacional de Snowdonia y se entrenó para ser un médico de mamíferos marinos. Después de terminar la Universidad, Dan trabajó para Thames Water como asesor de Biodiversidad y Patrimonio antes de unirse a la OSRL en marzo.